
And we're live! The new COVID-19 tracking app for Malta, COVID Alert, can be downloaded from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mt.gov.dp3t for Android users and https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1513522951 What is a contact tracing app? A mobile contact tracing app can track who each user has been in proximity to and can then alert all affected users when one of them confirms positive for infection. Several countries have already deployed contact tracing apps, most of which are based on the DP-3T dece ...


The Decentralized privacy-proximity tracing (DP-3T) is an open protocol built in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to allow the remote monitoring of infected participants. The protocol, such as the competing Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) protocol, uses Bluetooth Low Energy to track and record interact ...


MITA Notifications Platform - A bridge over troubled waters The Notifications System was developed by Seasus with the purpose of unifying and simplifying communications for the various service providers within Government to consumers of their  services, the citizen. The principal intention behind the need was to make an easy-to-use and reliable interface available to Government by which remote contact can be easily kept with citizens. Readily available communication channels such email and SMS are used as the preferred means o ...


Houseparty got a lot of attention among the under-24 set when it first started back in 2016. But the social app has become an overnight success as people struggle to stay connected. Houseparty is the face-to-face social network where you can connect with the people you care about most. The app makes connecting face to face effortless, alerting you when your friends are “in the house” and ready to chat so you can jump right into the conversation. The same goes for you opening the app! Your friends will know you are in the app an ...


The use of the Internet has become a highly important tool for commercial enterprises and following Health Authorities directives, many have consigned personnel to work from home. For many others who have experienced their daily routine collapsing, this is serving as a bridge to retain communication with the rest of the world while maintaining a social distance. Naturally, this has lead Internet providers to experience a tremendous surge in use. ISPs in Malta have observed significant usage shifts as most people are now spending al ...


FREE access to our platforms and expertise to any non-profit organization that wishes to establish teleworking practices. As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread around the world, it is expected to affect almost the entire global workforce. Whilst the nature of our business and our early adoption of remote working practices several years ago made it relatively easy and quick for us to switch to a fully remote structure, we understand this may not be as easy and straightforward for all. In light of the ongoing ...


As we brace for the expected increase of COVID-19 infections in Malta in the coming days, we have asked all staff to work from home until further notice. As from Thursday 12th March 2020, all staff will be going "remote first", limiting office access to strict critical requirements. We hope that this measure will help play a part in reducing the spread of the virus and lessen its potentially huge burden on the healthcare system.  For several years now, the majority of Seasus' staff have teleworked on a regular basis. So, ...