MIDAS - Travel Behaviour Analysis Platform
MIDAS is a multi-channel, integrated, real-time, travel data assembly and processing system which enables organisations to conduct Household Travel Surveys in an efficient, cost effective and accurate way. Traditional household travel surveys (HTS) typically collect travel information from a sample of residents in a region over a period of one to seven days. The picture of regional travel is thus typically based upon a sample of households’ travel activities over a limited number of days, within a very specific period. Such surveys are conventionally paper-based, requiring substantial man hours to conduct, are error prone, expensive and exclude several important data parameters of travel. In addition, these manual methods used ...
Wildeye - Passive Eye-Gaze Tracking
Project WildEye is a collaboration between Seasus and the University of Malta which proposes a passive eye-gaze tracking platform aimed to provide an alternative communication channel for persons with physical disabilities, permitting them to perform mundane activities such as to operate a computer, hence improving their quality of life and independence, or for healthy individuals as an alternative access method. In this platform, eye and head movements are captured in a stream of image frames acquired by a webcam, and subsequently processed by a computer (and possibly mobile devices) in order to estimate the gaze direction according to the eye and head pose components. Mapping the eye-gaze to a computer screen permits commands...