The COVID Alert Malta app, developed and supported by Seasus, recently joined the EU eHealth Network. Through this enhancement, the Maltese contact tracing app is now integrated with the single European Federated Gateway Service within which participating national backends across the EU share anonymous data regarding COVID infections. With the addition of this interoperability functionality, Malta’s contact tracing app will now work abroad as well as locally after an agreement between 16 European Union countries was establishe ...
- Published in Mobile Apps | COVID-19 | eGovernment |
A new concept was created since 2017, based on the desire to implement Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) across Europe, fostering happier and healthier people in all communities. This idea took shape and became a solid movement. SHAFE began as a Thematic Network, approved by the European Commission, to draw policy makers, organisations and citizens’ attention to the need of better alignment between health, social care, built environments and ICT, both in policy and funding and delivered a Joint Statement and a Frami ...
- Published in smart environments | health |
And we're live! The new COVID-19 tracking app for Malta, COVID Alert, can be downloaded from for Android users and What is a contact tracing app? A mobile contact tracing app can track who each user has been in proximity to and can then alert all affected users when one of them confirms positive for infection. Several countries have already deployed contact tracing apps, most of which are based on the DP-3T dece ...
- Published in COVID-19 | eGovernment | Mobile Apps |
The Decentralized privacy-proximity tracing (DP-3T) is an open protocol built in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to allow the remote monitoring of infected participants. The protocol, such as the competing Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) protocol, uses Bluetooth Low Energy to track and record interact ...
- Published in Mobile Apps | COVID-19 |
Traffic through Malta Government Notifications Platform triples due to COVID-19 pandemic
MITA Notifications Platform - A bridge over troubled waters The Notifications System was developed by Seasus with the purpose of unifying and simplifying communications for the various service providers within Government to consumers of their services, the citizen. The principal intention behind the need was to make an easy-to-use and reliable interface available to Government by which remote contact can be easily kept with citizens. Readily available communication channels such email and SMS are used as the preferred means o ...
- Published in COVID-19 | eGovernment | software |